Okay,I've been pretty busy these past few weeks/days...which would lead to the my lack of blog posts.....I've become pretty bored when i am free though..haven't played futsal in awhile...Here are things that have caught my attention so far...
-Mumbai Bombing
-My PC is infected with a virus(Chinese Audio being played at random times)
Im currently finding out on google how to remove it.. according to its somehow related to internet explorer..DO NOT GO TO THIS LINK..THIS IS THE ROOT OF THE VIRUS...
They said that I should download this program 'HijackThis'...this is able to remove the virus..ask my brother first,before downloading it....
-Won all 3 campaigns of Red Alert 3(Empire of the Sun is my favourite)
The VX-Choppers are crazy...Love the Shogun Ship(Artillery Cruiser)..
-Downloaded some of Kanye West's new songs...
-Addicted to "You Got Me" by One Block Radius
-Finished watching 'Weeds' season 1,season 2,season 3...Last watched is season 4 episode 11..Missing episode 12...but got episode 13...
-Stopped at Dexter (season 1,episode 9)
-Stopped at Burn Notice (season 1,episode 6)
-Watched the worst/shittiest comedy/movie so far..Superhero Movie..it couldnt even bring a smile on my face...
-Liverpool leading the League Table by 1 point...damn West Ham...Could have been 3 points...Torres injured again..zzzz
Here are a couple of pics from Tuition...

The Card Trick craze has begun at tuition..its getting irratating..

The fat chinese hand would be Shawn's....he is fat but he makes fun of fat people ALOT...something that mystifies even me...especially when the truth is...he makes fun of people who are less fat then him...wierd...Asshole grade 1..but still wierd...

We are sitting in the front of the class.....and he stands up and starts to scratch his groin...maybe he thinks no one notices since he is looking out the window...its pitch dark dumbass...got no lights....everyone knows that..lol..doing that while standing = Bad idea....

This Toilet is only for 1-legged men or women...Taken from The mamak under the Tuition centre....Restoran Makbul....

Fat Mouse having another Roti Canai...