Speak and Thou Shall Be Heard

Monday, May 10, 2010

You just wanna touch your lips,oh my god I really wanna be those fingertips

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I should be thinking it over

 Discovered a really good British artist,Example...he's name is actually Elliot Glaive but his initials is "eg" better known around the world as Example Given...heheh....Hip-hop and rap....did a better version of Tik-Tok compared to the original done by Ke$ha.....

Alot of his songs are good....there's plenty of humour and sadness in his song lyrics...his remixes are pretty good as well...

Loneliness Costs = This one is pretty sad,its about his friend who turned to drugs after being dumped...but love the song...=D

What We Made = This one I personally like...its about the Chernobyl Disaster..haven't heard of it?...look it up...the beats and the lyrics are genius...mainly bout how mankind is destroying itself with nukes...
Nicest Thing = Remix..this is one of my favourites..
Diamond Days = Remix
You Can't Rap = Funny song but sounds really good...
Who Needs Sunshine =he walks around the city in a Monkey King suit in the music video...funny lyrics...

Lets see....
Im sleeping at 5am+ on a normal basis and waking up at 1pm most of the time...= Unhealthy...
Relationship Status = Single but not available...
Music = Increased like crazy due to free time and youtube...hahahaha...