Speak and Thou Shall Be Heard

Friday, February 19, 2010


When Im sleepy...I become pretty blur....blur to everything...oblivious to social interactions...I only figured it out a couple of hours later....so technically,my senses functions better with beer....it may sound cool...but its not...I live in a muslim country.....me carrying a can of beer everywhere = not a good idea ...

The usage of E-language is increasing and increasing every year....so why not,make it an OFFICIAL language....in the future,I will write an E-Language dictionary....I will jsut copy and paste everything from UrbanDictionary.com....I am a Genius,am I not?....lol

I dont get why people work so hard...If others didnt work so hard,then maybe life's playing ground will be fair and everyone will have equal rights to reaching their goals...if you vote me as your leader..I will make sure every man and woman who are LAZY ASSES will get the same chances in career,education and life...as the hardworking people....

The HARDWORKING people shall teach the LAZY ASSES how to work hard....and the LAZY ASSES shall teach the HARDWORKING people how to have a life and not be so boring and lifeless...

I Have A Dream...

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