Speak and Thou Shall Be Heard

Saturday, June 20, 2009


TAGGED by Winnie....

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real - nothing made up!
If the person before you had the same first initial,
you must use different answers.
You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : [D]EVENDRA JEGATHEESON
2. A four Letter Word : [D]AMN
3. A boy's Name : [D]AMIEN
4. A girl's Name : [D]ANIELLE
5. An occupation : [D]ERMATOLOGIST
6. A color : [D]ARK BROWN..:p
7. Something you'll wear : [D]ARK RED FOOTBALL JERSEY..:p
9. A food : [D]RUMSTICK(CHICKEN 1)
10. Something found in the bathroom: [D]ICK....well...when im in it anyway..:P
11. A place : [D]ETROIT...
12. A reason for being late : [D]YING...
13. Something you'd shout : [D]ICKFACE!!
14. A movie title : [D]UDE,WHERE'S MY CAR? .....FUNNY MOVIE!!..:p
15. Something you drink : [D]IRTY COKE.....(jagermeister+coke)
16. A musical group : [D]AFT PUNK....
17. An animal : [D]OG lor.....
18. A street name : [D]EV ROAD....soon...soon....I shall rule u all...:P
19. A type of car : [D]ODGE VIPER....hsssss.....
20. The title of a song : [D]ELIVERENCE by Bubba Sparxxx
1) Valerie / Milky
2) Anushka / Anu
3) Zhi Yuin / Mountain Chicken
4) Peng Hooi / Penguin
5) Dianne / Chirou
6) Jezzebelle / Blur-case
7) Anis / Nasi
8) Natasha / Nut
9) Kai Xin / Panda
10) WINNIE!!!...lol...:P....do again hahahaha...


I would blog..but lazy....tired too....:D..will blog next time...

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