Tagged by Winnie the Pooh...:P
Finish The Sentence
1. My ex...
= can chop trees?
2. Maybe I should...
= study.....HAHAHAHAAHA...JOKE of the YEAR WEIH...me study?..pshhh....
3. I love...
= Myself...i mean who doesnt..love me...LOL...
4. People would say that I am..
= Lazy Chicken....
5. I don't understand....
= why we have to study subjects that have nothing to do with life..for example..MORAL..i mean,MORAL is a stupid subject that is created to keep non-muslim students busy.....and also to screw with them...
6. When I wake up in the morning...
= I see my phone alarm ringing for an hour edi...lol..
7. I trust...
= myself...and HER....nola where got her...just trying to be dramatic mah...:P
8. Life is...
= like water...its constantly moving like fluid...sometimes its mineral water..and sumtimes its piss...
9. My past taught me...
= dunno...who is this "Past"?....man or lady?
10. I get annoyed when...
= I get scolded....and i cant scold back because they must be respected...(parents mah)...if teachers or uncle or what scold...screw them...they will kena burn by my words...
11. Parties are..
= the english one is fun....the indian one is old...LOL...
12. I wish...
= to be the happiness woman in the world...oh wait thats winnies answer...LOL....
I wish to be as happy as I am today..well not today....yesterday..okay yesterday was irratating...AIYAH!!...SOMEDAY THAT I WAS HAPPY LA....:P
13. Dogs...
= are FREAKING CHUN....I WANT ONE..NO...TWO...NO....10!!!!
14. Cats...
= are cute...but those little f*ckers are violent weih...kena scratch so many times..
15. Tomorrow is...
= like butterflies in the stomach.....its nice to know that your stomach is full of happiness....but its creepy to know that there are FREAKING INSECTS IN YOUR STOMACH!!!...
16. I have a low tolerance for...
= Certain kinds of people...for example...the Mountain Chicken....JK....im actually a pretty patient and conserved person...ofcoz until SOMEBODY decides to piss me off...
17. If I had a million dollars...
= I would build a business empire....its only a million..cant do much...so with my empire..i can make a BILLION!!..MUAHAHAHAAA
18. I'm totally terrified of...
= cockroaches...wah winnie oso same..hi5..:p...im also terrified of myself...i noticed im capable of ruthless acts...and funny thing is...i wont regret my actions...that kinda makes me a potential murderer doesnt it....BUT thats impossible...im too normal for that risky shit...lol
19. When I look at the night sky I think...
= I need to get a roof...LOL..
Since I must tag a few people...
can i retag Winnie?...lol....nvm..since she did edi...